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Environmental ResponsibilityG

Environmental Responsibility

As a company that protects, maintains, and improves outdoor estate infrastructure, OUTCO is in a unique position to directly influence the environments that millions of people interact with. Through working in collaboration with our client’s sustainability goals, OUTCO is determined to ensure outdoor estates are always environmentally conscious places.

Environmental Overview

Environmental responsibility and sustainability at OUTCO is a considered approach, based on carbon reduction and transparency. We believe this is the only way that businesses can mitigate against past exploitation of the environment.

Our efforts over the next 15 years will focus on introducing a majority EV fleet, transferring to 100% renewable energy, and nurturing innovative and creative solutions.


OUTCO is committed to reaching net zero by 2035. This is an equivalent of an 85% reduction from our current 2020 baseline.

In 2021, a baseline figure of Scope 1 emissions was taken of 2,224 eCO2Tonnes. From this data, we have been able to set targets and to create our net zero programme.

Over the next few years, as OUTCO continues to expand, there will be some increases in our emissions. Business growth will increase our Scope 1 and Scope 2 output. Additionally, an emissions increase will be seen as we enlarge the categories reported under Scope 3. Yet, OUTCO is determined that growth, and increased reporting, need not deter us from our aim to be net zero by 2035.

We expect, as OUTCO continues to grow, an increase in our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Additionally, an emissions increase will be seen as we enlarge the categories reported under Scope 3. Yet, OUTCO is determined that growth, and increased reporting, need not deter us from our aim to be net zero by 2035.

To put this in context…
Our current Scope 1 emissions equate to a single passenger taking 2,031 return flights from London to New York. We aim to reduce this to 276 return flights. We will offset the remaining emissions to

  • From 2021, OUTCO will decrease office waste by 10% and increase office recycling by 10% year-on-year
  • From 2022, OUTCO will transfer to 100% renewable energy
  • By 2035, 85% of OUTCO’s fleet will be EVs.
OUTCO is committed to reaching net zero by 2035. This is an equivalent of an 85% reduction from our current 2020 baseline.


Without urgent action, the damaging effects of climate change are inevitable. At OUTCO, we understand that businesses have a responsibility to act now. That is why we are committed to reducing our environmental impact.

Our Greenprint report outlines how we will achieve net zero by 2035.

  • Expanding OUTCO’s EV fleet year-on-year to achieve our target of 85% electric fleet by 2035.
  • Continuing to employ company-wide and staff initiatives to help curb our energy usage. These include:
    • Making changes in our offices to ensure energy is not wasted
    • Engaging our staff with our ‘small actions big impact initiative’ – read more about this in our Greenprint report
  • Expanding sustainability into other areas of the business, such as a waste reduction system, increasing the number of meetings conducted at home, and offering incentives for car sharing
  • OUTCO’s sustainability award: the award.

OUTCO Greenprint document

Download your copy of OUTCO’s Greenprint report.


EV Charging

As part of our approach to helping our clients reach their sustainable goals, OUTCO launched an EV charging division in March 2021. OUTCO can provide a full-service solution to your EV charging requirements.

Reduced Emissions Asphalt (REA)

OUTCO, in partnership with Hanson, have developed a range of REA products to help minimise the impact of asphalt production and laying on local air quality.

  • This innovative technology reduces specific gas and particulate emissions by 40%, an equivalent reduction of taking 40 cars off the road and planting 16 trees.

Rubber Modified Asphalts (RMA)

OUTCO, with Tarmac, have been pioneering a practical solution to recycling discarded tyres. RMA enable old tyres to be converted into new roads and footpaths.

  • 8% reduction in CO2 from using RMA than equivalent asphalts.

Winter Gritting

  • We combine accurate forecast data from MetDesk with historical data to take the guesswork out of service delivery. This saves our clients’ money and reduces the environmental impact of using too much salt by only employing it when it is necessary and likely to be effective.
  • OUTCO uses sustainable white marine salt as a de-icing agent. It is more sustainable than mined rock salt and requires less volume spreading for de-icing effects and is cleaner, leaving less residue on sites.

OUTCO Road Map to Net Zero

OUTCO Road Map to Net Zero by 2035

Click image to enlarge OUTCO’s road map to net zero

Learn more

outco esg

OUTCO ESG strategy is rooted within the DNA of the business, underpinned by technology, with a clear focus on achieving best possible practices in each of our constituent business lines

EV Maintenance for charging units by EV Specialist OUTCO

OUTCO offers clients a complete end to end service for EV installation. From the ducting and installation of the electrical units to the commissioning and line marking of the electric bays, OUTCO can assist with all stages of the process

Tree Surveys

OUTCO offers comprehensive tree surveys which include a detailed health and condition assessment and a risk assessment

Winter gritting roads

A complete range of award winning winter gritting, snow clearance, winter risk management and specialist de-icing products to keep estates free of snow and ice, ensuring sites remain safe, compliant and operational even through the harshest winter weather.