Tesco Social Distancing
Following a site review highlighting critical areas requiring repair, including severe pot holes, faded line marking and damaged civils elements, we were instructed by the client to complete a full resurfacing of the entire car park and entrance road to the superstore.
Tesco Social Distancing
OUTCO was approached by supermarket giants Tesco to provide several options to temporarily line mark the click and collect areas of their car parks, ensuring customers can park and collect their shopping whilst abiding by the 2m social distancing.
We reviewed several options including thermoplastic line markings, opportunities from our new specialist coatings offering and a range of possibilities from other suppliers, some valid some were not and presented Tesco our findings. The findings included several options they could choose from using a variety of materials that all had their own pros and cons.
Once a decision was made Tesco instructed OUTCO to trial this solution on two stores, which would then be reviewed during installation and the morning after by Tescos’ Capital Manager for approval before rolling this project out nationwide.
OUTCO have now successfully completed our thermoplastic line marking trials at two Tesco Supermarket stores, installing social distancing markings at the click and collect areas of the superstores.
The lines will guide drivers to parking bays and ensure shoppers abide by the 2m rule while queuing and collecting.
This initiative will now be rolled out to the remaining 245 selected stores across the UK beginning Wednesday, the project will complete all 245 stores in just 10 nights.
Working through the night ensures no disruption to the stores during operating hours and our teams can operate in a closed environment.
Here is a look at the project by numbers:
245 stores completed
24.5 Stores per night average
53 The most stores completed in one night
16 Volume of crews mobilised on the most productive night
10 Nights to complete
2 The social distancing guidelines in mtrs
0 Disruption to stores